Table of Contents
You can adjust the style of Mashshare with some very small css snippets.
Font size of the share count: #
.mashsb-count {
font-size: 43px; //Size in px here
Font size of the share count label: #
.mashsb-sharetext {
font-size: 10px;
Width of the share buttons #
.mashsb-buttons a {
min-width: 177px;
Adjust the width to your needs!
Font size of the share icons: #
[class^="mashicon-"] .icon:before, [class*=" mashicon-"] .icon:before {
font-size: 16px;
Font size of the Share Button label: #
[class^="mashicon-"] .text, [class*=" mashicon-"] .text {
font-size: 18px;
Distance text to edges of the button and change total size of the buttons: #
.mashsb-buttons a {
padding: 13px;
Center alignment of button Icons and Text: #
[class^="mashicon-"] .icon:before, [class*=" mashicon-"] .icon:before {
.mashsb-buttons a {
text-align: center;