GDPR / DSGVO Compliance

At that moment we recommend to disable the share count aggregation. 

To do so just go to MashShare > settings > general From there you can disable the share count aggregation.

Disabling the share count should be done because of the technical implementation we have in recent MashShare version. 

MashShare is collecting the share count by client requested javascript which connects to the facebook api. This is a third party connection where facebook is able to get some data of the client. Facebook also set up a cookie on the client browser. With coming into effect of the GDPR this should be prevented without explicit consent of the user. So this is is not allowed any longer and as a result the share counts should be disabled.

The GDPR should be carried out so in that case I recommend to disable the share count aggregation until we have another technical solution for this.

The regular MashShare button without visible share count do not send any data to facebook so using them should be fine

Now we are thinking about building an API based web service to bring the share counts back.

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