Real Time Pageview Counter
Increase user interaction and interest with this ajax based Pageview Counter
- High Performance Pageview count generation with caching to reduce db load
- Use different modes: ajax | ajax real time polling | non-ajax
- Fake count option with human undetectable smart algorithm. (Fake count is cumulated to real pageview count)
- Align Pageview Counter to left or right of the share buttons
- Specify Ajax poll frequency and limit the average server utilization
- Disable Real Time Counter when system loads exceeds a certain value
- Round Pageviews, e.g. 2.500 result in 2.5k. 1.500.000 is shown as 1.5M
- New: Show page views in admin posts listing
- Compatible with Mashshare ShareBar. (Pageviews are shown in the Sharebar)
See a working demo on this page!
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