Full responsive all time visible floating share bar that opens after page scrolling
- Sharebar slides down after scrolling
- Mashshare share buttons all time visible
- Different logos for mobile and desktop devices
- Use it on top or bottom of your page
- Define position and alignment
- Specify background color
- Share counts can be hidden on mobile devices
- Adjust overlay z-index to define the order of sharebar to other page elements
- Define scrolling distance when sharebar slides down
- Specify if sharebar is visible on mobile devices
- Specify to show or hide sharebar on specific post_types and pages
- Specify if sharebar is visible on frontpage
- No sharebar code loaded on pages which are excluded or disabled
- Allow Sharebar to be shown only on mobile devices
New features:
– Enable social networks independently from core plugin settings
– Set all share buttons full width (large buttons) independently from core plugin settings
– Change order of social networks independently from core plugin settings
– Consider the Hide Sharecount option (show shares only after x shares)
– Integration of the new Media Uploader.Scroll down this site to see how it works